Fellowship and Small Groups
"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, 6 so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." - Rom 15:5-6
Objectives of the Committee:
As followers of Jesus, we have been made into the body of Christ; united, interdependent, and celebrating our diversity.
Coordination and alignment of various activities within fellowship and small groups committee such as bible study, prayer ministry, International Fellowship, International day celebration and other activities.
Empower and encourage fellowship and small groups members to be fruitful in our lives. Growing in our knowledge, love and obedience of God. Listening to His word, inspired by His Spirit following Jesus.
There are several opportunities to volunteer in Fellowship & Small Groups:
1. By being a member of Fellowship Committee, we have monthly meetings, usually on Fridays after the 9am service at Bosch Hall. We discuss about the ongoing progress of each programs and the upcoming programs, challenges, improvements etc. As a member you have the obligation to join this meeting.
2. Participate and be actively involved in the International Fellowship/Praise Worship night which is held on every 2nd Thursday of every month from 7pm-9pm at Good Shepherd Hall. We could share some roles during this event with other team members such as Event coordinator, Multimedia operator, Chairing, Worship Leader etc
3. Being part of Prayer Ministry team. Prayer meeting starts every Friday after 9am service at Bosch Hall.
4. General ushering, welcome desk, tithes and offering, scripture reading, intercessor prayer.
5. Event coordinator for special program such as International Day, Christmas Celebration, Ghala BBQ, Picnic day, etc.